Daily Pop Up is a free module for :
You need install jQuery framework plugin for Wordpress.
Download the jQuery Includer Plugin for Wordpress
Description :
Daily Pop Up is a fullscreen popup using only jQuery framework aims to display a page in full screen POP UP superset of the original page (no iframe, only css). Daily Pop Up appears 1 time per day and uses your IP address as a reference. Daily Pop Up is designed to comply with W3C standards. 1 modules per page. Time before closing the fullscreen Daily PopUp is limited to 10 seconds.
Use :
- Choose style : 7 Choice of background color possible: White, Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Red and Transparent. Note that the texts are automatically white except for styles White, yellow and transparent.
- Select an article : You get the possibility to choose an article.
- Choice of the width of the Block: You can adjust the width of the text area in existing template.
- Choice of text on the close button: You can at all times change the text on the close button.
Try Daily PopUP -->
Changelog :
v1.3 --- 12/10/2012 -- Correct --Css BUG in Internet Explorer 7 et 8 -- Add -- Choose an article in the Widget -- Deleted -- Editor text in widget parameters, Adapt Joomla Module to Wordpress Widge.
Download jQuery DailyPopUp For Wordpress
Wordpress 3 and more 
The Daily PopUp module is under Licence GPL 3.